Острова Средиземного моря
Why are the islands so cool? They are separate and self-sufficient, and surrounded by the endless expanses of water! An island is a small universe. Endemic animals often live there, and people have their own culture and traditions. There are also disadvantages: people on the islands are often conservative and
Горы Непала
Imagine a valley with steep mountains, rugged threads of trodden roads and colored wooden houses planted over cliffs. All this is covered with light gray smog and dust in the air. This is the central part of Nepal. Sometimes on the roads, you can meet herds of cows and yaks.
Средиземное Море
Having traveled to the countries of America, Europe and Oceania, I chose several countries where I would definitely return from time to time. First of all, these are countries where it feels good to live. That is easy and free, nothing confuses and where people are open to you, where
Путешествие по Миру
Why did I think about going around the world? It all started with a trip to Easter Island where for some reason I stayed for half a year. There I worked in the library where I came across a bunch of books about the islands of the Pacific Ocean. This
Оаху Гавайи
Hawaii is one of the remotest island groups on the planet. In the past, many species of plants and animals could not get there by water or by air. Therefore, in Hawaii, the natural habitat was formed. As well as on many islands distant from the great land, in Hawaii,
Медведи на Аляске
Alaska is a huge unexplored area, most of it is covered with snow and ice. It seems that you could come here for a few days and experience everything. That is my way of traveling 🙂 In two days at a gallop, to get a complete picture of Alaska. But
When going on a trip to the Caribbean Islands you need to remember a few things: 1. This is a very expensive journey, that is there is no need to rely on savings. Of course, you can find accommodation on couchsurfing.com But on the islands, there is much less opportunity
Travel in New Zealand
Right next to the northern island of New Zealand (about 100 km northeast of the center of Auckland) Great Barrier islands are located. This is an amazing place lost in time. Perhaps New Zealand was like this about 50 years ago. Once upon a time, it was part of the
Прогулки с Китами
I had an amazing, the most memorable encounter with huge Pacific whales here, on Tonga, in the very heart of the South Pacific! Tonga includes 170 islands scattered over 700,000 square km of the Pacific. You can move between them on the ship or on an airplane. On the islands,
Пляж Бразилии Фернанду-ди-Норонья
Any part of the world can be a paradise – it all depends on one’s mood. However, some of the most beautiful and majestic of those places produce more effects. For me, the rich nature and jungle are places where I feel happy. From what I have seen and visited
Tour Exótico