
Asia is the only part of the land that I still do not know. I only visited a few countries like Nepal, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Asia is a temple of unique ancient wise and not fully understood culture, religion, and traditions. It was the countries of Asian land that generated the first developed cultures, the knowledge of which was later adopted and used by other peoples.

This part of the world is most of Eurasia and occupies 42 million square km. The relief from the north is indicated by the tundra, and in the south is the highest mountain system of the Himalayas. About hiking in the mountains of Asia will tell this new film.

Озеро Сары-Челек
I remember Kyrgyzstan like that – mountains, mountains, from all sides of the mountain – high snowy peaks, red-brown canyons, green valleys. Wherever you look, there are mountains somewhere. A third of the country extends over 3000m. In the east and west – this is the Tien Shan (Ala-Too), where
Горы Непала
Imagine a valley with steep mountains, rugged threads of trodden roads and colored wooden houses planted over cliffs. All this is covered with light gray smog and dust in the air. This is the central part of Nepal. Sometimes on the roads, you can meet herds of cows and yaks.
For those also enjoy exploring the underwater world, the most attractive and extensive coral area is the Coral Triangle in Southeast Asia. These travel ideas just come by themselves. I just googled “the most beautiful snorkeling spots” and found this pearl. Islands of Raja Ampat was a quite unfamiliar place,
The most fascinating journey usually happens unexpectedly! I want to try new ways of moving from one country to another. For example, to cross from Kamchatka to Alaska or vice versa, or to cross Brazilian Amazon into Colombia, as well as, for example, to do a trip around the world
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