In today's world, people are accustomed to living in cities - in great roots of civilization where everything is available and full of variety. This makes the life active (and…
Last Updated on December 1, 2023
Magnificent Iguazu Falls are located in the southern region of Brazil called Paraná. This area is near the river and is part of a large green space that arrives at Chaco, Paraguay. With a large amount of humidity, the vegetation is abundant and nature has a large number of birds and butterflies, plants and exciting flowers.
Not far from the Iguazu Falls there is a bird and butterfly reserve. Here you can walk and know the main species of birds in the area as well as other birds of Latin America.
Brazilian Toucan (araçari-poca). Reflective curious bird with large yellow beak almost the size of the bird itself. He is very curious and moves very slowly, penetrating everywhere.
Paraná chicken (jacutinga). Small cunning birds with big black eyes, sharp beak, and white crest.
Parrots with a red crest (papagaio da cara-roxa). It is a kingdom of Brazilian parrots! Here you can find birds of all sizes and colors but they all look like the kind of birds in the photo.
Heron with a gray crown (grou-coroado-africano). A funny bird with a fierce gray lock. It has a sly look and the march of pride.
Urubu, the vulture of South America (urubu-rei). It is a small bird a little sad with huge eyes and a small round pupil of black color. Urubu is alone most of the time. It has white feathers, broad fingers with claws that can firmly grasp the branches.
Chilean Flamingo. It is a deliciously funny bird that can be white or pink. It is smaller in size than common flamingos. You can see the group of flamingos in the Iguazu Falls HERE.
Black Ani (anu-preto). This bird looks like a crow with big, bulging black eyes. It has acute dark gray plumage and compact size.