
Пляж Бразилии Фернанду-ди-Норонья
Any part of the world can be a paradise – it all depends on one’s mood. However, some of the most beautiful and majestic of those places produce more effects. For me, the rich nature and jungle are places where I feel happy. From what I have seen and visited
Cascadas de Mazamitla
The waterfalls are located in the north-western part of Mexico, in the Jalisco region. This is a big place but little known. Basically here they are celebrated weekends and vacations. The location is close to the capital of the region – the city of Guadalajara. You can get a whole
Aves en Brazil
Magnificent Iguazu Falls are located in the southern region of Brazil called Paraná. This area is near the river and is part of a large green space that arrives at Chaco, Paraguay. With a large amount of humidity, the vegetation is abundant and nature has a large number of birds
Ecuador montañoso
In Quito, I got the first experience of high mountain climbing. Before it was not higher than 1,500 meters. But when living in Quito and its surroundings, I climbed to the height of 6,100 meters. Actually, the capital of Ecuador is around 3000. So to go up higher you do
Tour Exótico